Amelia Violante Amelia Violante

Pluto in Scorpio & Uranus in Taurus Transit

As I study more charts, including my own, I’ve noticed a big shift with my fellow Pluto in Scorpio generation. Uranus has been transiting Taurus since 2018, and will be here until 2026. So, for those that have Pluto in Scorpio, at some point since then until 2026, Uranus in Taurus will be directly opposing our natal Pluto in Scorpio.

As I think back on my life since 2018 until now, where transiting Uranus is now directly opposite my Pluto, I’ve found some clarity on the constant changes and unpredictability my life has presented these last few years. Uranus is the planet of awakening, chaos, unpredictability, and the unexpected, whereas Pluto is the underworld, deep alchemy and transformation, and the shadows. I see this energy catapulting us (Uranus) into much needed change and transformation (Pluto). In order for the new to come, death must occur.

When I think about Taurus, I think about self-worth, values, and our material, earthly world. Taurus energy is the embodiment of our values and desires, and how we express that in our lives. Scorpio is the embodiment of our shadows, diving deep into the underworld, and transmuting all the energies that don’t serve us into the highest expression of our soul. It’s the phoenix rising from its own ashes. It’s turning the pain into wisdom.

One of the main themes playing out collectively between this opposition is the financial system. We are seeing a shift in our relationship to physical money (e.g. cryptocurrency) and we're in the process of redefining our physical assets in terms of this shift. I wouldn’t be surprised at the end of this transit, if we see more changes coming out of the banking system. Remember, Pluto shines light on the dark and shadows for transformation, and this is part of the process of breakthroughs and change (for our highest good).

Now, my interest with this transit falls more on the personal level. Uranus directly opposing our natal Pluto can be a challenging transit while we are in the midst of it. Sometimes, we don’t really understand the “why” or reason behind the benefit of this challenge until years after the transit has ended… that’s Pluto for you. But one of the main lessons I’ve learned through this transit is to truly let go of any expectations, and to go with the flow of what life presents you. When we learn to surrender our control and lean into trust, more magic appears. When we allow more stillness and welcome patience, we receive (witness) more blessings. 

The challenges and breakthroughs of this transit are all for your highest evolution. Everyone’s chart is different, so this energy will be affecting you all in different ways depending on which houses these planets fall in your chart. The upheaval and change this transit brings is part of the transformation and alchemy of your soul’s evolution. Trust that strength, growth, and empowerment will meet you on the other side.

If you are interested in learning more about how this transit is specifically affecting your chart and would like support, my suggestion is to book a Cosmic Activation session where we dive deeper and work with the energetics of your blueprint.


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Amelia Violante Amelia Violante

Meditation, Neuroplasticity, & Crystals


The emergence of neuroplasticity has proven that our brains have the capacity to create new neural pathways and connections. There has been more research that one of the best ways to take full advantage of this is through meditation. Meditation is the most powerful way to tune into our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies as well as drop into the expansiveness that lives within us. It’s a state that we can come back to with curiosity and acceptance, and to fully surrender to our experiences with full presence.

Meditation can be so daunting because our mind is trained to run the same loops over and over again, which creates deep ridges (neural pathways) in the brain. But because our brain has the powerful ability to rewire, it is possible to replace old thought forms with new ones, creating new neural pathways and connections. As a mindfulness meditation practitioner and facilitator, one of the challenges that comes with any type of meditation is learning to have the patience to sit still with ourselves. Because we live in a world full of stimuli through technology, this can be extremely difficult when we are so used to something outside of ourselves grasping at our attention. But I think the most challenging part of meditation is shedding light onto parts of ourselves that we’d rather keep hidden. 

As we welcome more meditation (stillness) into our lives, we learn to ease the nervous system through focused breath and connection back to our body. We begin to have more pauses in our lives in areas that we maybe tend to react to instead of respond to. Our brain waves also shift and our mind moves from the analytical to the subconscious, which is the space we can transform old thought patterns into new ones. We learn to come back home to ourselves and build a foundation within that reflects externally, allowing us to reach our full potential.


The most profound energetic shifts can occur when crystals are partnered with practices that rewire the brain (neuroplasticity). When crystals are incorporated into meditations, they are truly able to do their best work. Selecting a crystal that is supportive with the energy of your healing target will make the process much more expansive. This can be done by intuitively choosing a crystal or allowing a crystal to choose you and to see what comes up from there. Sometimes we don’t realize we need healing in certain areas until a crystal (or meditation) has shed light onto those areas. Crystals can enhance your meditation practices by:

  • Because crystals carry frequencies, they can work to clear any energetic blocks within your body. It can stimulate and support the healthy flow of life force energy throughout your body’s fields (physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual) and energy centers, bringing yourself back to homeostasis and alignment.

  • When you program your crystal with a specific intention, having the crystal physically in your presence reinforces through visualization the new ways of being you wish to embody and imprint on your brain. They help you replace old beliefs and thoughts with healthier ones in the form of new neural pathways. Your behaviors change in response to your beliefs and vice versa and as a result, you are able to develop new neural pathways. It’s the ultimate practice when working with the Law of Attraction.

  • They can work as guides. Whether that’s through deepening your insights or providing protection and support as you understand the roots of your blockages and how to address them. They can physically anchor you back to your body and the present moment as you surrender to the process and what comes up.


Crystals can be incorporated into meditation practices anyway you feel comfortable and called to do so. Some ways you can add crystals to your practices:

  • Placing your crystals physically on your body. Because each crystal corresponds with a chakra ( energy center), you can place a crystal directly on an area that you want to work with or choose an area you feel intuitively called to do so.

  • Holding your crystals in your hands or having them near you.

  • Creating an altar or crystal grid where you can write your intentions on a piece of paper and placing them in this space as you meditate.

  • Carrying crystals with you (e.g. carrying them in your pocket or bag)

Although any crystal is a great crystal to add to any meditations, these are some of my favorite crystals to work with:

Clear Apophyllite

Blue Chalcedony

Black Tourmaline

Himalayan Quartz




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Amelia Violante Amelia Violante

Trauma Healing + Life Update

I’ve been on a little, unplanned hiatus for the last couple of months. I had this blog post ready to be drafted earlier in the summer, but for some reason never had the opportunity to dive in and start typing. Only until today, do I understand why. I’ve been going through a deep transformational period of healing some deep rooted trauma that I've experienced, well, most of my life, but I am just now diving deep in understanding, accepting, and healing the wounds. 

Because I really pride myself in cultivating a healing, conscious business, I had to look in the mirror recently and say to myself, “I must show up for myself and begin healing these wounds to really show up for my business.” It was honestly a hard truth to face, as I thought I was doing pretty good. Until I experienced a recent loss that caused and opened up some of these wounds, did I realize that I had to put my business on hold so I could focus on myself.

It’s been challenging, to say the least, to navigate these waters. Looking back at your whole life and reflecting on where it all stemmed from can be pretty painful. Healing is a lifelong journey, but I am glad I am in the right place, with the right tools shedding light onto the areas that need love. I’ve been digging into Dr. Gabor Maté’s work lately and understanding how trauma lives in the body. With the combination of journaling, body movement, somatic therapy, and microdosing psilocybin, I’ve been able to cultivate an open heart and integrate the love back to myself. For so long, I’ve been giving the power of my love and heart away, only to find an empty cup for myself. It’s been liberating being able to finally come back home to myself, tending to my inner child, and taking my power and life back into my own hands.

I wanted to share my experience of what I’m currently going through because there is strength in being vulnerable. All of us have experienced some sort of trauma in our lives, and the effects of the trauma can show up in our relationships with others, ourselves, and how we perceive the world around us. We are not perfect beings, and never will be. But what we do have is the choice to free ourselves from the pain and trauma, to witness a new reality we may never have thought was possible.

It’s important as a conscious, healing business that I give full transparency in my process, including my own healing journey. I also wanted to share how crystals have been supporting me during this time. Learning how to be gentle with myself and sit in stillness have been challenging, as the environment around me says otherwise. Then I had to remind myself that there is productivity and progress in resting, and crystals have been that source of motivation to be still and listen. There is so much wisdom within the crystals that want to be explored, to be heard, to be touched. I found myself communicating with the crystals in a way I had never really experienced before. They had given me insight about myself that I never knew before because I never allowed myself to be still enough to listen. It was beautiful. It reminded me of how powerful these crystals are and why I love sharing the wisdom and healing energies to this community.

So many connections, opportunities, and manifestations came through for me as I took the time for myself. For those that follow Lacy Phillips work at To Be Magnetic, understand that sometimes the blocks we face limit us from receiving all that we are deserving of. That in order to call in all that we are worthy of, we must unblock and heal parts of ourselves to be able to receive them. Again, there is progress in resting and healing, even if it may not look like it at first. 

I’m honestly not surprised all of this has come up, as we are in the midst of so many planets being in retrograde. There is so much realignment and reevaluation happening everywhere, personally and collectively, and sometimes allowing yourself to surrender and trust the process is all that you can do. As we also move into Eclipse season, it reminds me that we are all moving towards a new way of being, and sometimes in order for that to happen is to shed layers of yourself that no longer serve you and the path you are heading towards. But of course, with that process comes a type of Death that is necessary to grieve to be able to move into a Higher Consciousness for our Highest Good. 

If you’ve read this far, thank you. This has been a journey and has taken me awhile to get back on my feet, and may for awhile. But I am happy to have space within my work to be able to share and be vulnerable. 

Remember, through letting go we can transform the ashes of our past to rise as the Phoenix that we are meant to be.

Much love,


Crystals for Trauma Healing

  • Clear Apophyllite

  • Phantom Quartz

  • Stilbite

  • Epidote

  • Heulandite

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Amelia Violante Amelia Violante


Self-Awareness allows us to reflect on our thoughts, words, and actions.

It allows us to be curious about our triggers and take responsibility for how we express our emotions and accept the consequences that come with the impact of our words and actions.

To become a fully conscious participant in this lifetime, we must learn to embrace our strengths and weaknesses, to understand our light and shadow aspects.

Sometimes we can get so caught up in judging others and calling out other people’s behaviors and actions before our own. Usually what triggers us in others is a reflection of what is going on internally, whether that is our own unhealed trauma, our insecurities, or parts of ourselves that need to be free and healed.

As we learn to become more intimate with this side of ourselves, we can develop a deep knowing of what is ours to take responsibility for and what isn’t. We can learn to self-regulate our emotions, our actions, and our nervous system. With this practice, we gain a natural sense of self-trust, self-love, and self-worth that no one can take away from us - and that is the biggest service you can do for yourself and your relationships.

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Amelia Violante Amelia Violante

Eclipse Portal

Lunar Nodes in Astrology

The lunar nodes are always in signs that are opposite of each other (e.g. Taurus and Scorpio, Gemini and Sagittarius, etc.) and change signs about every 18 months. They aren’t planetary bodies but rather are points that take in account the relationship between the Sun, Moon, and Earth at the time of our birth. The Nodes of the Moon suggest personal karmic imbalance, where we come into this world with some underdeveloped (North node) and overdeveloped (South node) aspects of our character. It is through the understanding of these nodal axis shifts that we experience life lessons, and because these nodes change throughout our lifetime, it’s important to take note of themes and events that are forcing us to confront them.

The South node in astrology is said to represent our past lifetimes and the gifts these past lives have brought in our current life. It indicates our comfort zone, where our strengths are, and where we feel most at home. Because we may feel comfortable there, it’s important to stretch ourselves and push out of this zone, otherwise we may feel stagnate and stuck. Our goal is to aim for our true destiny/karmic path, which is indicated by our North node.

The North node in astrology is the area of our life that is underdeveloped and unfamiliar. It represents our soul purpose and the areas of growth we’re incarnated to experience in order to work with our karma and grow spiritually. The sooner we align ourselves with this path by developing these areas of growth, the more fulfilled, aligned, and purpose-driven our life will become.

It’s important to note that because we are all born with our own blueprint, the signs and house placements of the Nodes in your chart will be unique to you in the way it shows up through life experiences and lessons. This includes the themes and experiences that come up through the points on the ecliptic as they shift signs every 18 months.

Taurus and Scorpio Axis

The North node in Taurus represents the energy we are striving to cultivate in our lives. Under this energy, we bring more structure, stability, and security into our lives. Because Taurus is ruled by Venus, we are being invited to work on our feelings of self-worth and security, as well as understand our relationship to our values and money. Taurus is all about abundance and connecting with the abundance around us. When we learn to fully embody our values and worth, we tap into the abundance of opportunities around us and open the doors to receive. We strengthen the relationship between our self-worth and our ability to manifest our desires and dreams.

The South node in Scorpio invites us to honor the ways that we have changed and to let go of what is no longer in alignment with ourselves. Because Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, we must learn to accept the “death and destruction” process of our evolution in order to transform into the Highest version of ourselves. This energy asks us to evaluate how we are limiting ourselves from opportunities and our potential to receive through having a scarcity mindset. When we move from a place of “surviving” to a place of “thriving,” we embody new energies that give us the power to create in this lifetime.

Connection to Crystals

Pyrite connects us back to our self-worth, self-confidence, and willpower. It’s a supportive crystal to work with if we are wanting to embody more abundance into our life. Because the North node in Taurus is inviting us to pay attention to the abundance, beauty, and love all around us, having Pyrite around will allow us to tap into our self-worth and how we embody our values. Masculine in nature, Pyrite has strong abilities to manifest our dreams into reality with strength and confidence. During this time, I invite you to pay attention to the ways you limit your opportunities and ability to receive by having a scarce mindset. Pyrite can help push through these blocks that prevent us from living a fulfilled life of beauty and desires.

Garnet is the embodiment of the energies of fire, passion, and creation. It connects us back to the womb space, where all of creation was born, and allows us to tune into the sacred life force moving through us. It embodies our sexuality and our power to create, whether that is birthing children, making art, or building a business. Because the South node in Scorpio is inviting us to release parts of ourselves that no longer serve our evolution, having Garnet around is a powerful crystal to shake things up and break apart stagnant energies as we transmute and transform. During this time, I invite you to go inward and navigate areas in your life that are fear-driven and limiting you from sharing your most authentic creative expression.

Phantom Quartz can help us put the past into perspective and release past trauma that is no longer serving our personal growth and spiritual evolution. Having Phantom Quartz around can help integrate the energies between Pyrite and Garnet - As we learn to release self-limiting beliefs and self-sabotage behaviors (Scorpio South node/Garnet), we welcome and make more space for creative opportunities and abundance into our lives (Taurus North node/Pyrite).


I hope this post finds you well during these trying, but expansive times we are moving into this next year. As we consciously become more aware of the themes and patterns that show up for us, we can begin to find more comfort in allowing to surrender to the lessons this season is teaching us with grace, love, and compassion.



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